The Machine Center has decades of experience in milling parts as simple as blocks to as complicated as transmission gears. Whether it is drilling and tapping holes on a manual mill, to quick turnaround on a CNC tool room mill, to full production runs with fourth axis capabilities, Triple E has the experience and equipment to produce parts of all shapes and sizes.
We are able to design and build custom work-holding to efficiently run production quantity parts using our tried and true Clamp-N-Jack system to quickly set-up and run one-offs and prototypes. Don’t let set up costs stall your project. The Machine Center can manufacture one-off tooling and fixture components at competitive rates due to our focus on reducing set-up times.
We can mill a wide variety of materials, from mild steel, stainless steel, brass, aluminum, plastic, etc. We work closely with our tooling vendors to optimize our tools for the required material to ensure the fastest cycle times and highest quality. If your fixture or prototype requires specialty material, we can help in designing for manufacturability to keep costs low.
Contact us for more information or a quote on your parts today!
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